
New England singer-songwriter Kate Schimke of Darling Hill, has been performing locally for over 7 years having collaborated with many New England venues, art organizations, and artists including popular NH musician and producer Charlie Chronopulous.
Darling Hill’s debut EP Where the Heart Heals produced by Zach Kasik of Wild Feather Recording studio, features contributions from Nashville's most talented musicians and producers and showcases one-of-a-kind talent and musical style, creating tracks that are both powerful and poignant. On this EP Darling Hill has worked with sought-after percussion talent Shake E Folwkes, broadway violinist Laurie Canaan, multi-talented bassist Doug Corbin, and renowned vocalist Kalen Chase.
Darling Hill’s music is nostalgic of dramatic 80's synth and 90's folk grunge. Raw, hypnotizing, and filled with beautiful poetry that paints the world from a new perspective. Schimke’s unique stand-out vocals are combined with bewitching melodies that capture the essence of both fantasy and reality.